Stuff the Bus

Message William Morriss sent out a couple of weeks ago:
Dear Wilbur Smith Rotarians:Thanks to all of you who pledged or left a check on the table at the 7/9/15 meeting for Stuff-A-Bus. So far we have pledged $1800 (this number has since increased). For those that haven't, there is still a chance to contribute/pledge/bill it to your statement. Forms will be available at this Thursday's meeting. Or you can reply to me if you won't be there.
As many of you know, kids that start school without school supplies don't interact or learn at the same level. They feel left out. We can make a difference. This program got supplies for 1390 students last year. This year's goal is 1500. There are 5000 requests. It helps 10 area school districts and two additional non-profits that have children clients. $20 takes care of a K-8 student ($35 for 9-12).
Mark you calendars and sign up to help stuff backpacks at Texarkana Resources for the Disabled on 8/12 from 5:30-6:30. It's worth a make up and fun too! Help make a difference in the lives of area youngsters. Thanks for your consideration!
William Morriss