How Well Do You Know Fellow Club Member Kacie Kirkland?
(Farmer's Insurance Agent)
What are your favorite places you have visited (can be within the U.S. and/or outside of the U.S.)?
I would have to say traveling all over London, England would have to be my favorite.
What are your pet peeves?
I can't stand bad manners at the dinner table.
Have you ever received an award for anything, and if so, what?
I have received several awards over time. In my past life (high school), I was very active in Tae Kwon Do and Cheerleading. Weird combo right? Well in the year 1999 I won the National Championship and State Championship title in my age/weight division in Tae Kwon Do. With this came along an invitation to train with the Olympic Teams for USA and Korea. I also won nationals in Cheerleading the same year. I was invited to cheer in the millennium day parade in London for the year 2000! Most currently, I have won several different awards with my agency at Farmers. Toppers Club in Anaheim, California last September and won a New Business competition trip to Las Vegas last February!
Mention something about you that you think many club members may not know.
I am a second degree black belt in Tae Kwon Do.
What are your favorite sports or sports teams?
I will always be an Ole Miss Rebel! Hotty Toddy!
What's your motto in life?
You get what you pay for.
What is your morning ritual like?
Beach or mountains?
Beach always
Where would you like to retire to (real life or fantasy)?
I love Hot Springs and the lake.
Do you have any pets and what are they?
I have a Miniature Schnauzer who doesn't know he is a dog. His name is Elvis!
Diamonds or pearls?
That is nearly impossible. I guess I will have to go with Diamonds are a girl's best friend right?
What is your favorite quality about your partner?
He is very driven and supports me each and every day.