How Well Do You Know Club Member, Alan Harrel?
(Jennifer took his answers by phone, so any grammar errors (if any) are her doing.)
What are your favorite places you have visited?
Istanbul (the old part of the city). There were 2 mosques; one is a museum that used to be a mosque. I also liked Topkapi Palace.
What was the most unusual job you've had?
I was a pilot in the Air Force for 6.5 years.
What is something about you other club members may not know?
I'm an actor, I helped start the Texarkana Repertory Company in 1990. The last play I was in was about 2.5 years ago called Tuesdays of Morrie.
What are your hobbies/interests?
Golf, fly fishing, and reading.
Did you play any sports in your school days?
I played rugby in college.
As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
When I was in high school, I wanted to be a Presbyterian minister.
Beach or mountains?
Mountains. I'm a big fan of Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks. An interesting encounter at Yellowstone was being up close and personal with a bear. We were on horseback and retreated away from a mama bear and her cub.
Tell us about your first date.
It was in 7th grade, we went to a sock hop together, and we later went out again.
What is a play you attended that you really enjoyed?
Spamalot on Broadway.
Where would you like to retire to?
The little Red River (not the same as the Red River, the "little" one is out of Heber Springs); it's a great fly fishing spot.
Do you have any phobias?
Rats - In Vietnam, a rat jumped on my bed. If you put something on my feet when I'm in bed, I'll dive out of the bed.
Tell us about your kids?
I have a daughter, Julie, age 42, who is an executive with Entrust Datacard in Dallas, and I have a son, age 35, who is a general surgeon in Phoenix, AZ. They are both married. My son has a daughter, and my daughter is pregnant and due in November.
What is your favorite quality about your partner?
Jeanne is a great friend, not just to me but to EVERYONE.