Member Q&A

*Pictured above is Julie and her husband, Ron, at America's Small Business Summit, an older picture of she and her husband, and Julie with a Samoyed dog she used to have.
What are some of your favorite places you have visited?
-I love the Virgin Islands. My favorite one is St. John’s second favorite is Tortola. Can hardly wait to return to the Grand Teton’s and Yellowstone. Last June we had a wonderful automobile trip from Nash, Texas to Nova Scotia and back. Our trip with the chamber group to Costa Del Sol Spain was wonderful and will long be remembered.
What does a perfect day or afternoon/evening on the weekend look like for you?
-Friday evenings is always date night. That is when Ron and I join our good friends, Carol and Roy Pitt and Jennifer and Rick Futrell and unwind at a locally owned (no franchises) restaurant for drinks and dinner.
On Saturday morning I love to sleep an hour later than usual and relax with my Kindle, Coffee and watch some nature shows on television. In the afternoon I like to take lunch out to Ron at our ranch where we eat under the oak trees and then ride through the pastures in our Side by Side and talk to the cows and calves. Yes I love to talk to the animals.
If you turned into your partner for a day, what would you do?
-I would spend the day with me.
Mention something about you or your life that you think some people in our club may not know:
-I read thrillers and mysteries to relax and I write stories, mainly mysteries. I have over 500 books in my Kindles that I have read and enjoyed. Have worn out two and now have the kindle ap on my I phone and my I-Pad mini.
What is an event or activity you have engaged in recently that you enjoyed.
-Ron and I attended the winter meeting of the U. S. Chamber of Commerce in Orlando, Florida. We saw our friends from the Small Business Council and had a chance to visit with people who run business in all parts of the United States.
What is your morning ritual like?
-I get up around 6:00, let the dog out and bring in the newspaper, drink orange juice and coffee while I read the paper from cover to cover to cover. Visit with Ron while we plan our day. Get ready for work and leave the house a little before 9:00 a.m.
Do you have any pets, and if so, what are they.
-I currently have four dogs. A miniature dachshund, named Wrangler, an American Bulldog, named Bossy, a Pit bulldog named Gambler, a half Pit/half American named ScoobyDoo. I consider by herd of cattle and the 14 horses that I am feeding to also be my pets. I also talk to the birds in my trees and they do answer back. We call them Nature’s pets.
What did you want to be as a child when you grew up?
-First a vet, then a lawyer. I studied Real Estate and business in college. Now I am assigned to Human Resources which combines my love of the law and people and business.
What is the most unique item in your purse?
-My I phone.
What are a few of your favorite movies?
-The Sound of Music, Gigi, Out of Africa, the Netflix series of House of Cards and Sherlock.