Last Week


What you missed last week:
(Photos above)
New officer installation and recognition of members took place in today's very special meeting. Officers are as follows: President David Mims, President-Elect Brian Goesl, Treasurer Tim Holt, Secretary Jennifer Strayhorn, Executive Secretary Glen Wile, Community Service Chair Bob Koon, Rotary Foundation Chair Dianne Martin, Program Chair David Baumgardner, Public Relations Chair Jennifer Lacefield, Flag Project Chair Joel Campisi, Membership Chair Jeff Prieskorn, "Immediate Past President" Robin Hickerson. Rotarian of the Year Award went to Steve Nipper, Rookie Rotarian of the Year Award to Jennifer Lacefield, and William Morriss was awarded his Paul Harris Fellowship Plus 5. Additionally, a myriad of other members were recognized for their attendance records, volunteerism, and Paul Harris Fellow giving status. Thanks to all! Let's have another great year of Service Above Self.