Events In Rotary Clubs Around the Country:

Rotary Club to Visit 2nd Graders to Share Their Career and College Experiences & Read Book To Them

Members of the Kalamazoo Rotary Club will work to promote childhood literacy and challenge youngster to pursue higher education during their sixth annual Rotary Is For Reading campaign.  More than 60 members of the service club for business people will visit second-graders in the Kalamazoo Public Schools during the week of April 27 to May 1 to share their college and career experiences.  They will also read the book "I Know I Can" by Wendy W. Rouillard. In the book, young animal characters discuss their dreams of going to college. Each student is to receive a copy of the book.  Nearly 1,100 second-graders are expected to hear from Rotary members as they visit 58 classrooms in 17 elementary schools in the Kalamazoo Public School system.

7 Rotary Clubs Rid Waterways & Shorelines of Garbage to Celebrate Earth Day

Onslow County’s seven rotary clubs are partnering with other environmentally conscious organizations in the area to rid waterways and shorelines of garbage as a way to celebrate Earth Day, which falls on Tuesday.  This is the first year all of the clubs have come together for a county wide event.

Rotary Club Hosts Laser Tag Fundraiser

Thousands of folks flock to Pikeville Friday for rides, food, hillbillies and now laser tag.  The curtains are closed at Jenny Wiley Theater for the weekend, but the doors are still open as the Pikeville Rotary Club is hosting a fundraiser.  Darrell Maynard, President of the Rotary Club, says, "Laser tag just sort of came up and we decided to take it on. This is our first year of doing laser tag in Pikeville during Hillbilly Days."  Officials with the Rotary Club say they have had nearly 100 people come to the Clan Clash laser tag so far.