Club Member Q&A - How Well Do You Know Glen Wile??

(Glen is pictured running a race! Running is his favorite hobby.)
What is your favorite restaurant in Texarkana?
-Big Jakes
If you were to turn into your wife for a day, what would you do?
-I hope that never happens; I would be lost.
What are a few of your favorite movies?
-I have no idea; I watch a lot of the old ones.
If you had to pick a motto for your life, what would it be?
-Keep on running!
-Keep on running!
How do you like to spend a rainy day?
-Work on the computer, read and watch TV.
What is your morning ritual like?
-If weather permitting, an early morning run of 5 miles or more.
What have been your favorite places to visit for vacation?
-Our favorite vacation is hard to answer, we have visited all 50 states, 3 continents, and over 15 countries. So they are all great.