Club Member Q&A

Andi Darby
Pictured is Andi with her husband Bob, her sisters and her niece, and her family Christmas in 2014.
Tell us about your least memorable kiss.
-In high school, I tooted when this guy leaned over to kiss me goodnight.
What’s your favorite sport or physical activity?
-Working in my yard.
What’s the worst haircut you’ve ever had?
-I looked like a cross between Bozo the Clown and a hooker.
What’s your morning ritual like?
-Get up at 5am, drinking coffee, playing a game up SkipBo and whoever loses has to get the paper at 5:30…then be at work by 7.
Describe your own outlook on life in six words.
-Plan your work….work your plan.
If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would you go?
Favorite sport to watch?
What always makes you laugh?
-Good joke, tv comedy, or a good movie.
How do you describe what you do for a living to your friends? To strangers at a party? To your family?
-I sell puffs of air….I sell pairs of ears who will make a purchase.
Favorite comic strip character?
-Charlie Brown