Club Member Q&A

William Morriss
Pictured is William on a Chamber of Commerce trip to Italy in 2013, William and his father (aged 88 in the pic) hunting on opening day of Duck Season in 2013, William in Rome, and the "Grassy" in the snow!
What is a pet peeve of yours?
-People not holding a constant speed on the highway.
What foreign countries have you been to & which was your favorite?
-I’ve been fortunate to travel to many over the years: Canada, Mexico, England, Scotland, Ireland, France, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Spain, Italy, Greece, Hungary, Switzerland, Germany, Austria, and China. The memories are wonderful, all the various people with me on the trips have made it even more enjoyable. The food, the culture, and the sites have been mostly fantastic too. Having just had Art History in college before seeing Greece made that incredible. But the most fun have been Austria, Italy, China, Spain, Switzerland, and Scandanavia (Boy Scout World Jamboree). Wimbledon outside of London was pretty spectacular too!
Where does a really great afternoon/evening or day look like for you?
-Heading up to Grassy Lake with either duck hunting or frog hunting on the horizon and enjoying nature with friends.
What does your morning ritual consist of?
-Usually, shower, breakfast, reading the paper, coffee, and driving to work.
If you had to pick a motto for your life what would it be?
- Never a dull moment!
If you could eliminate one thing from your daily schedule, what would it be and why?
-Waking up at 4 am………’s annoying when it isn’t duck season!
Who is your favorite sports team?
-Professionally, the St. Louis Cardinals rock. My grandfather would take my two brothers and me by train from here to see a couple of baseball games almost every summer growing up seeing the likes of Lou Brock, Bob Gibson, Mike Shannon, and Roger Maris. Listening to Jack Buck and Harry Carrey (before he went to the Cubs) on KMOX radio from St. Louis put me to sleep at two a.m. many a night when they were on the west coast. How could you not be a Cards fan. I’ve instilled this in my daughter too and rode many a train to St. Louis since too! College would have to be the SMU Mustangs. How ‘bout there basketball season this year?
What book are you currently reading?
-41 and anything Grisham or Baldacci
What did you want to be when you grew up when you were a kid?
-Professional tennis player; played on Texas High team for three years, was the only freshman that made the Tennis team was 2nd in the nation in 18 and under singles, so I knew that wasn’t going to happen (actually knew before that, but my Mom and I won a mixed doubles tournament at SMU freshman year, before I got more serious about golf!)