November 16th will be "Joel Campisi Day'' in the city of Texarkana, USA.
After 17 years the Chairman of the Texarkana USA Flag Project for the Texarkana Rotary Clubs, Joel Campisi, has retired and received a certificate from the cities at the Wilbur Smith Rotary Club meeting last Thursday. Mayor Ruth Bell read a proclamation Thursday afternoon officially naming Joel Campisi Day.
“Campisi as chairman,” Bell said, “has had an indelible impact on the area economically and physically with all the flags he's built and placed around Texarkana. It is beautiful and uplifting to see our streets and homes lined in flags and patriotism 6 times a year. His hugely impactful, behind-the-scenes efforts to make a difference in this community are highly admirable.”
Campisi has been a member of the Wilbur Smith Rotary Club for over 50 years. He was on the original committee that met 17 years ago to plan and implement the flag project. Today, that project has grown significantly, has raised over a million dollars, and over 4,500 flags are placed throughout Texarkana at residences and businesses. In those years of growth, Campisi has not only served as chairman but has been in charge of the flag barn, handled numerous routes with the help of his family, marked a “cabillion” flag bases and answered a trillion questions.
"It has been simply amazing to see so many people come together all these years and accomplishing an entire project for our community. I am honored to have helped steer the flag project for 17 years, but I am happy to pass it on to David Mims. This is not the end for me, I will continue to help with flags and run my route, just don’t call me,” Campisi said with a chuckle.
In celebration of his retirement, Campisi was given the framed citations along with flags from Arkansas and Texas state representatives. He also received his very own golden auger.