Congratulations to you all for your generosity in your giving to The Rotary Foundation and Polio  Plus in this  past Rotary year.  Your total giving to the Rotary Foundation totaled $222,085!!  Many  thanks to PDG John  Jetter, PDG Phil Bandel, DG Tom DeWitt, DGE Lee Montgomery, and DGN Ted  Huffhines, the District 5830  AG’s, Immediate Past Presidents, and District Club Foundation Chairs,  for your untiring efforts in encouraging  Rotarians to complete the year with this impressive and heartwarming result.  That is $107/capita in giving for the 2nd straight year for our District

Annual SHARE Fund (95+% goes to Humanitarian Work around the Globe):
So here’s the Honor Roll for Clubs who met or exceeded the Rotary International goal of club member contributions at $100/Rotarian to the Annual Fund (the one that returns $$’s to our District and to Clubs in three years):
  1. Texarkana International -          $908 per member        $  5,450 total
  2. Paris United – (Incl. Gr. Paris)  $344 per member        $12,400 total
  3. Longview -                                 $200 per member          $22,770 total
  4. Kilgore -                                     $185 per member           $  8, 147 total
  5. Bullard -                                     $183 per member           $  3,861 total
  6. Athens -                                     $172 per member           $12,073 total
  7. Cedar Creek Lake -                   $155 per member         $  6,521 total
  8. Marshall -                                   $137 per member           $  7,235 total
  9. Pittsburg -                                  $137 per member            $  3,980 total
  10. Texarkana Sunrise -                  $136 per member         $  1,089 total
  11. Longview Greggton -                 $132 per member         $16,546 total
  12. Henderson -                               $130 per member          $  3,712 total
  13. Jefferson -                                  $127 per member           $  2,536 total
  14. Clarksville -                                $125 per member           $  3,735 total
  15. Texarkana Ark – Wilbur Smith -    $117 per member    $11,860 total
  16. South Tyler -                              $114 per member           $  6,839 total
  17. Tyler Sunrise -                           $103 per member           $  2,700 total
Honorable Mention at Just Under the $100/capita mark:
  • Jacksonville -                                      $ 95 per member        $  4,733 total
  • Gilmer -                                              $ 95 per member          $  3,590 total
Other Clubs Giving at/over $1000 total were:  Tyler ($5,125), Carthage ($3,055), Mt. Vernon ($1,785), Hugo ($1,616), Canton ($1,500), West Bowie County ($1,300), Mt. Pleasant ($1,277), Mineola ($1,150), Overton, ($1,108), and Winnsboro ($1000).
Polio Plus:
In addition, $46,229 went to Polio Plus!  Thanks to PDG Shirley Griffin for her leadership in promoting Polio Plus giving again this past year….super results!  At current prices per vaccine dose, (~ 20 cents), that is over a Quarter of a Million Children who will be protected from this terrible disease because of District 5830 Rotarians!
The Honor Roll for Polio Plus Contributions at or above $400 were:
  1. Longview                          $20,000
  2. Henderson                       $  3,761
  3. Longview Greggton        $  3,686
  4. Tyler                                   $  2,756
  5. South Tyler                       $  2,382
  6. Marshall                            $  2,048
  7. Texarkana Int’l.                $  1,500
  8. Mt. Vernon                        $  1,225
  9. Paris United                     $  1,150
  10. Lindale                              $  1,000
  11. Texarkana Oaklawn       $     975
  12. Clarksville                         $     750
  13. Overton                             $     658
  14. Kilgore                               $     600
  15. Texarkana Sunrise          $     500
  16. Gilmer                                $     474
  17. Sulphur Springs              $     449
Thanks again for your generosity!!!  Let’s do it again in 2015-16!
Carroll Greenwaldt
Immediate Past District Governor,
District 5830, Rotary year 2014 –15
345 Betty Jo Drive
Longview, TX 75605
Cell:  903-235-6448
Ofc:   903-237-5101
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