Upcoming District Conference
Friday evening, May 22nd Dinner at The Summit Club, “Celebrating a Lifetime of Service”, Saturday, May 23rd, at the Beautiful Allen Family Student Center, LeTourneau University, Longview, TX Friday evening will be a more formal dinner, honoring all long service Rotarians, supporters of the Rotary Foundation, Polio Plus, humanitarian service in Clubs and the District. It will be at the beautiful, new Summit Club in North Longview. (GREAT Food!!!)
Saturday will be casual:
- Come to a breakfast honoring New Members and their Sponsors!
- Wear a Rotarian at Work or your club T-shirts: We’ll be celebrating service across the District.
- Come bringing a Club Banner for a Roll Call and Parade of banners from EVERY Club in the District
- Bring a table-top Display of the work of your Club of which you are most proud—multiple club members from each club will present their display and circulate to see and talk about great ideas from others. Every Club will be bringing a display!!!
- Hands-On Service! Be asking your local dentists now to donate their sample toothbrushes and toothpaste, and dental floss. Bring those by the hundreds from each club. We hope to assemble thousands of dental kits for Central American Children who have no dental hygiene supplies.
- Be in contact immediately with the following:
- Plans for at least one ad from each Club for the Conference Program, honoring Rotarian(s) from your club who exemplify service…can be a current officer or someone who has led your club in Service currently or in the past….let’s surprise and honor them! Info is needed now for what (PDG John Jetter and DG Carroll) and $$’s (PDG Shirley--Full page-$250, ½ page-$150, ¼ page-$75….larger $$ event sponsors will be recognized in a special, highlight page)
- At least two silent auction items from each club to benefit Polio Plus: Something representing your local area – Let PDG Shirley and PDG John Henson know now what you will be bringing
- Concurrent with the Conference Proceedings, will be a 1st Annual RYLA and INTERACT Reunion with fun, social get-together, games, pizza, and assistance on the Hands-on Dental Kit project – Talk it up now with your RYLA and INTERACT sponsors…. hundreds of youth at the Solheim Recreation Center at LeTourneau University…adjacent to the Student Center
- Hear stirring messages from our RI President’s Representative, Past Rotary Foundation Trustee, Steven R. Brown from California, and PDG Ed Hardesty from Tulsa, OK
- Get Ready: We’ll close the Conference Saturday with a casual and fun Shrimp and Crawfish Boil…come hungry…you won’t leave that way!!!
- See more at: http://portal.clubrunner.ca/50024/Stories/nbsp-nbsp-nbsp-nbsp-nbsp-nbsp-nbsp-nbsp-nbsp-nbsp-2015-rotary-district-5830-conference#sthash.aiRwbSae.dpuf