Attendance Policy

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Every member of this club should attend its regular meetings. A member shall be counted as attending a regular meeting of this club if that person is present for at least 60% of the time devoted to the regular meeting, or makes up for his/her absence in any of the following ways: Make-ups vs. Attendance credits. - A make-up meeting is defined as attending another club's regular meeting to make-up for missing a regular meeting of this club. A make-up must occur within 14 days before or after the missed meeting; unless the member is out of the country for more than 14 days. The secretary must receive an attendance card from that club in order to grant the make-up. Members receive a meal credit of $10 on their dues statement for each make-up. - Attendance credits will be given for participating on an E-Club's website for at least 30 minutes, attending a club-sponsored community event or meeting, or a club Board or service committee meeting. Attendance credits count toward year-end club attendance awards and district statistics but not missed meals. - E-Club attendance must take place within 14 days before or after a missed meeting; unless the Club member is outside of the country for more than 14 days. There will be 3 E-Club attendance credits allowed each half of the Rotary Year. If a donation is made to the Rotary Foundation via the E-Club's website, a make-up credit will be granted. - There is no limitation on length of time between a missed regular meeting and attendance credit for service projects or Board/service committee meetings, except that attendance credits must be earned and applied in the same Rotary year (July 1 - June 30). Lists of members at Club functions should be supplied to the secretary by the committee chairman or project leader, or taken from the Board meeting attendance roster. E-Club attendance should be verified by the website and submitted to the Club Secretary. Club members are encouraged to produce evidence of make-ups as soon as possible when appropriate. Exemptions from Club meeting attendance. A member's absence shall be excused for (a) protracted ill health or other medical reasons; (b) absence in a country in which there are no Rotary clubs; (c) member's aggregate of the age and years of membership in one or more clubs is 85 years; (d) The absence complies with the conditions and under circumstances approved by the Board. The Board may excuse a member's absence for reasons that it considers to be good and sufficient. Exemptions are to be requested, in writing, and submitted to the Board. The member is excused from minimum attendance requirements and is not charged for missed meals, although the member must continue to pay dues. Exempt members will not be eligible for 100% attendance awards. Leave of Absence. Upon written application to the Board, setting forth good and sufficient cause, leave of absence may be granted excusing a member from attending the meetings of the club for a specified length of time. Leaves are to be requested, in writing, and submitted to the Board. This written request does not have to be done before the absence begins, as that is not always feasible. The approved member is excused from minimum attendance requirements and is not charged for missed meals, although they must continue to pay dues and assessments.